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Arriva - October 2023

Arriva - October 2023

A Platform for Seamless Immigration Guidance

A Platform for Seamless Immigration Guidance

Project Type
My Role
Product Designer
3 months
iOS native application
A comprehensive immigration solution that aims to connect future immigrants across the globe with trustworthy immigration consultants and verified resources.

A solution of this nature could revolutionize the immigration process globally. By creating a centralized platform, it would connect prospective immigrants with vetted, reputable immigration consultants, ensuring access to accurate information and guidance. This solution could offer a database of verified resources, including up-to-date visa requirements, country-specific immigration policies, and step-by-step guides for various immigration pathways.

High Level Goals

Enhance accessibility to reliable immigration resources
Create a centralized platform offering verified information and resources, empowering immigrants to make informed decisions throughout their journey.
Facilitate secure connections with immigration consultants
Create a centralized platform offering verified information and resources, empowering immigrants to make informed decisions throughout their journey.
Streamline the Immigration Journey
Design an intuitive user experience that simplifies complex immigration procedures, reducing stress and improving efficiency for aspiring immigrants.

User Interviews & Assumptions

To validate assumptions derived from secondary research, I conducted one-on-one decontextualized Zoom interviews with immigrants. These interviews explored their experiences and challenges throughout the immigration process. I then used Affinity Mapping to synthesize the data, identifying key pain points and refining my hypotheses, thus establishing a solid, data-driven foundation for the project.


Synthesizing insights from secondary research and user interviews, I created Salman, a persona representing our target user. This persona encapsulates the goals, motivations, and pain points of aspiring immigrants, ensuring our design decisions remain user-centered and empathetic throughout the development process.
User Task and Analysis
I conducted this User Task Analysis for the Resourceful Connection epic to identify and understand the essential actions users will perform. It helps prioritize feature development and ensures the platform effectively meets user needs in connecting with legal experts for immigration guidance.
User Test and priority matrix
I also conducted User Testing and created a Priority Matrix for the Resourceful Connection epic to evaluate features and determine development priorities. This process helps focus our efforts on impactful elements, ensuring an effective platform for users and lawyers in immigration guidance.
Sketching and Lo-Fi
After clarifying the task flow, I sketched potential solutions and developed low-fidelity layouts, referencing UI inspiration and existing components. This process efficiently explored design possibilities.
Setting the mood
I created a moodboard to visually represent my design vision, connecting abstract concepts in a logical manner. This process helped solidify the app's design direction and aesthetic choices.
I created a moodboard to visually represent my design vision, connecting abstract concepts in a logical manner. This process helped solidify the app's design direction and aesthetic/visual choices.

Brand Identity

Arriva's logo features a wordmark with an integrated paper plane, doubling as the app icon. The color palette uses orange as primary, blue as secondary, with neutral tones, applying the 60-30-10 ratio. Lato, a modern sans-serif typeface, was chosen for its legibility and comprehensive family.

High-Fidelity MVP Prototype

Building on our established brand identity, I progressed to designing the high-fidelity MVP prototype. This phase involved refining and enhancing key elements from the mid-fidelity prototype, resulting in a more polished and user-centric design that aligns closely with our app's goals and user needs.

Future Ethical Considerations: Tarot Cards of Tech

I utilized the Tarot Cards of Tech to explore potential ethical implications and long-term impacts of our immigration assistance app. This exercise helped identify key considerations such as data privacy, accessibility, and cultural sensitivity, ensuring our design decisions align with ethical standards and promote positive societal impact.

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Crafted with an unhealthy amount of coffee.

Copyright © 2024 Vidit Bhatt. All rights reserved.

Let's Connect!

Looking to hire me, team up, or just want to say hi? Let's connect and make some magic happen!

Crafted with an unhealthy amount of coffee.

Copyright © 2024 Vidit Bhatt. All rights reserved.